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 Fs: S14 kouki lights and grill and seats

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Fucking Noob
Fucking Noob

Number of posts : 17
Age : 37
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Fs: S14 kouki lights and grill and seats Empty
PostSubject: Fs: S14 kouki lights and grill and seats   Fs: S14 kouki lights and grill and seats Icon_minitimeMay 29th 2009, 3:23 pm

S14 Kouki Headlights, Grill and Corners. $400 obo

All Tabs are good, headlights are mint, Passenger corner damaged
Fs: S14 kouki lights and grill and seats IMG_9445

S14 zenki drivers seat, missing rail close to the door $50 obo
Fs: S14 kouki lights and grill and seats IMG_9452

S13 seats, Leather, has little tears, overall 8/10 $60 obo for pair, will not part
Fs: S14 kouki lights and grill and seats IMG_9454

For more detailed pictures please Pm me, all items best reasonable offer
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Fucking Noob
Fucking Noob

Number of posts : 17
Age : 37
Reputation : 0

Fs: S14 kouki lights and grill and seats Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fs: S14 kouki lights and grill and seats   Fs: S14 kouki lights and grill and seats Icon_minitimeJune 1st 2009, 10:07 am

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Fucking Noob
Fucking Noob

Number of posts : 17
Age : 37
Reputation : 0

Fs: S14 kouki lights and grill and seats Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fs: S14 kouki lights and grill and seats   Fs: S14 kouki lights and grill and seats Icon_minitimeJune 2nd 2009, 9:03 pm

Best offer....
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Fucking Noob
Fucking Noob

Number of posts : 17
Age : 37
Reputation : 0

Fs: S14 kouki lights and grill and seats Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fs: S14 kouki lights and grill and seats   Fs: S14 kouki lights and grill and seats Icon_minitimeJune 6th 2009, 11:05 am

Bump kouki light set sold!! seats still for sale.... low ballers welcome
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PostSubject: Re: Fs: S14 kouki lights and grill and seats   Fs: S14 kouki lights and grill and seats Icon_minitime

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